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Flying with Children
Your mileage will vary depending on age and disposition but this is what works for me.
TSA Pre-Check via Global Entry
I hate this in principle but here I am. If you don’t have this get Global Entry which includes TSA Pre. When you book your flight with children 12 and younger are covered by this. I would advise you to set a reminder 3 months before your child’s 13 birthday to apply on their behalf.
Nausea Medication
Dramamine is the go-to but you should ask your doctor about Ondansetron Orally Disentegrating Tablets USP as they are prescription only.
- Vomit bags saved from previous flights plus tissues/wet-wipes, all in a ziplock back.
- Fun but healthier alternatives to over-priced airport snacks.
- Lip balm.
- Empty water bottle – fill after clearing security.
- Paperback books. Usually two, ideally one new.
- Mad Libs, pencils and a sketchpad go a long way.
- Charged iPod/device and headphones.
- Bonus points for podcasts, music & audiobooks and no video.
- Pack charger (or extra battery) and cable
- Download offline media the night before
- Netflix and Amazon Prime support offline movies.
- Spotify allows songs to be stored offline.
- Update podcast subscriptions before you head to the airport.
- An extra light-layer.
- If you have a kid aged 2 (sometimes 3) you can board first.
- With American Airlines you need to ask in advance and they have discretion to allow slightly older ages.
- When you fly into LGA, for the best view of NYC aim for a window seat on the left side of the cabin.
- Book the Aisle and Window seats in the hopes it remains empty. I’ve never had an issue asking someone to switch from that Middle seat when the gamble didn’t work.
- Airlines are required to seat families with kids under the age of 13 together via FAA rules.