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PHP I Keep Returning Too
Nothing earth shattering, just a collection of code fragments and functions I keep re-writing and re-using…
Basic compression of CSS for output
// Remove comments
$cssText = preg_replace('!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $custom_css_field);
// Remove space after colons
$cssText = str_replace(': ', ':', $cssText);
// Remove whitespace
$cssText = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", ' ', ' ', ' '), '', $cssText);
print "/* custom css */\n\t\t" . $cssText . "\n";
Common utility functions
function randomItemFrom( $array ) {
if (is_array($array)) {
return $array[ rand(0, count($array)-1) ];
return array();
private function startsWith($haystack, $needle){
return $needle === "" || strpos($haystack, $needle) === 0;
private function doesContain($haystack, $needle) {
$pos = strpos($haystack, $needle);
if ($pos === false) return false;
return true;
private function containsFromArray($str, array $arr) {
foreach($arr as $a) {
if (stripos($str,$a) !== false) return true;
return false;
Basic readable date
function get_time_since( $since ) {
$chunks = array(
// array(31536000 , 'year'),
// array(2592000 , 'month'),
// array(604800, 'week'),
array(86400 , 'day'),
array(3600 , 'hour'),
array(60 , 'minute'),
array(1 , 'second')
for ($i = 0, $j = count($chunks); $i < $j; $i++) {
$name = $chunks[$i][1];
if (($count = floor($since / $chunks[$i][0])) != 0) {
$print = ($count == 1) ? '1 '.$name : "$count {$name}s";
return $print;
$basic_time = get_time_since( time() - strtotime("2022-03-05 14:03:14") );
Make it use 2 spaces, instead of 4. It is not efficent, but it can be done.
$data = [ 'some' => 'thing' ];
$json = preg_replace_callback ('/^ +/m', function ($m) {
return str_repeat (' ', strlen ($m[0]) / 2);
}, json_encode ($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));